
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Ok so I know it's WORDLESS Wendesday (See super cute picture below!) but I just couldnt wait till tomorrow to share this BIG NEWS!!

Yes your eyes/moniters/computers are working correctly!

I may be too extremely intimidated to touch it...But it's there, in my craft room,...staring at me! My wonderful friend Breanne got a new fancy shancy sewing machine and was kind enough to lend me her old one so I can learn. (Did I mention before how extrememly intimidated I am!) So I am inviting my Arizona friends to come over or invite me over and help me learn and I'm excited to blog about my journey to mastering "The Machine"

Now you know how much I love comments, so please leave me some well wishes to boost my confidence and if you have a super simple sewing project leave the link so I can try it!


  1. Congratulations! I've got plenty of scrap fabric and would be happy to help. The key to start is a project with straight lines.

  2. My mother-in-law bought me a sewing machine about five years ago and like you I was completely intimated. I did my first project last week, a pair of shorts for Mason - check - and they turned out very cute AND they were super easy. Khris Jackson from the ward helped me. I have almost completed a dress for Ashley. I have about 3 or 4 pairs of shorts for Mason in the works. Go get girl!!! I look forward to seeing your creations!!! Thank again for the bow making session! That's next on the to-create list!

  3. Sweet!! You'll be quilting in no time:)

  4. It is infact a super cute machine...but the super cute picture I was reffering to is in the previous "Wordless Wednesday" blog post! just to clairify any confusion! ;)

  5. you can do it! lets do a project together... I want you to teach me how to do the tie onsie and i can show you how to do a simple receiving blanket, or diapee wipee case, or a bag,or something else :)... lets do it! love the pic of asher crashed out in his bouncer... he seems to do that a lot.

  6. Sounds great Breanne! Tie Onesies next Tuesday at Anndalyns! Thanks again!

  7. You'll love it! It will unleash all kinds of new creative juices in you, as if you really need any more! Wish I was there to join in on CCLNs. Love you!

  8. I want a new machine - mine is not working properly and I'm mad at it. Can't wait to see the super cute crafts you'll do with it.

  9. SO EXCITING! I want to get one but am so afraid I'll be completely intimidated and not use it!

  10. Yipee, I just bought my first sewing machine from costco, its addicting once you start. My SIL is showing me how to quilt. Have fun!
