
Friday, March 19, 2010

Field Trip Friday with Cute as a Fox Creations: Silk Dyed Easter Eggs

Hi everyone! I want to thank Jacqui for having me over at Aly&Ash today. Isn't she amazing? You had better run over and check out the giveaway she is hosting on my blog! I mean it, GO! (just come back soon, so you can see what we are making today!)

Here's a little bit about me. My name is Ashley and I'm a SAHM to a 4 year old boy and a two year old girl. She's my little foxy lady! I love to make things with my hands and so far there isn't a craft I have tried that I haven't loved. My current favorites are sewing, although I'm still a novice, paper crafts, and all things mod podge. I've recently developed a love affair with the dollar store and the Ikea As-Is section. I've got lots of ideas brewing regarding both of those things. I have a degree in Computer Information Systems and so I really LOVE it when technology and crafting come together. In other words, a craft blog is pretty much heaven for me!

You can find me over at Cute as a Fox Creations where I share what I've made and try to share a tutorial or two as often as I can.

Today we are making Silk Dyed Easter Eggs. A sophisticated alternative to the neon eggs in little cups that die your hands and everything else for a week!

Before we begin with the tutorial I want to give you some tips on picking out your material.
  • Pick really saturated colors. Reds, purples, dark greens, dark blues. As you go through the dying process, the colors get washed out, so the darker you start with the better.
  • Remember that you are dying a small egg, so a big pattern might not be the best fit. You will only get a small piece of it more than likely. I personally think small geometric patterns turn out best.
  • Get your ties at a thrift store, garage sale, or back of your closet(just make sure you ask first!). In my area, March 27 is the next 1/2 off Saturday at Goodwill. Mark your calendars!
What you need:
  • 100% Silk Ties, scarfs, shirts, anything you don't mind cutting up
  • Vinegar
  • Eggs
  • Twist Ties or something to tie off the eggs.
  • Flour Sack Cloth or some kind of white material. Old sheets, pillowcases, or whatever scraps you have will be fine. I bought mine at the Dollar store and 1 was enough for 12 eggs.

IMPORTANT: Your ties must be 100% silk. There should be a tag at either end of the tie which let you know what it is made of. If there isn't a tag, don't get it. I found some ties I thought would be just awesome at Goodwill but they either didn't have a tag or were polyester.

Step 1: Disassemble your ties. Remove the center stitching, any tags, and all of the guts of the tie.

Step 2: Cut off a section of tie big enough to cover your eggs and give you enough room to twist it off at the bottom of the egg. You can get at least 2 eggs per tie, possibly 3.

Step 3: With the TOP of the material FACING the egg, wrap the egg as tightly as possible without breaking it.
I like to make sure the "top" or narrower part of the egg is at the bottom of my little pouch. The design usually comes out the best there.
You are going to have to fold over and tuck parts a little bit. Those areas will turn out a little lighter and the pattern probably won't come across as well.
Step 4: Wrap your egg package in your light colored material and twist tie off at the top.
Here is one egg all ready to hit the hot tub.
Step 5: After all your eggs are wrapped, put them in a pot of water with 1/2 cup vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook for 20-30 minutes.
Step 6: Remove from heat and allow to cool. They just need to cool long enough so you don't burn your hands off trying to unwrap them. It's a little like waiting for Christmas morning. :)
Tada! Here they are.
I picked a few of my favorites and put them in a vase with some brown paper shred. You could make up a very nice centerpiece for your holiday table.

Thanks for having me Jacqui! I'd LOVE to see some pictures if you give this a try. Come on over and see me at Cute as a Fox Creations, I'd love to have you!


  1. These look amazing Ashley! I'm so excited to try them!! Thanks again for posting a tutorial and coming down to Field Trip Fridays!

  2. Thanks for having me! This is so much fun. :)

  3. You girls are amazing! Can't wait to try this. Thanks for all your hard work for the benefit of me and many others!

  4. these look fabulous! I may have to steal some of my hubby's ties...

  5. Thanks so much for posting at Favorite Things Friday! These are so cool!

  6. This is so very neat!!!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft On Thursday at Life As Lori... Please join me next week for another great party!

  7. Very cute Ashley! I have a crazy question though. Are you putting the silk on regular eggs and then when you boil them they are hard boiled inside? If so, do you open them and eat them for Easter? ... or just throw them away when they go bad?

    I was thinking it would be fun to blow the inside of the egg out so you have a hollow shell and then make them. That way you can keep them forever as a yearly Easter decoration.

    If you don't know how to do that, just ask me and I'll share!

  8. Super clever! Thanks for the great idea! I can't wait to give it a try!

    Thanks for linking to Creative Cats!

