
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Introducing the Aly in Aly&Ash

Jessica over at {A Few of my Favorite Things} tagged me in a bloggy game called Photo #6
Rules of the Game: Go back into your archives and repost the 6th picture you ever posted on your blog!

Since I stared our family blog before this one I decided it would be more fun to go though those archives and see what it was! And what a perfect opportunity for me to introduce the Aly half of Aly&Ash! My beautiful niece!
My 6th photo posted was from a photoshoot of Aly for her 1 year old pictures...she is now the heck did that happen!?!

Now I have to tell you I really don't try to play favorites with my nieces and nephews but I have a very special bond with little miss. My SIL had some serious recovery problems post childbirth and had to head back into the hopsital for a while. I took leave from work and hunkered down at her place to take care of her two adorable boys and this brand new baby Alyson so her hubs could be with her. Ever since Aly and I have had a very special bond. Before Asher arrived Aly would come for sleepovers and play dates and even tag along to Irish dance competitions with her "Aunt Ahee".

Auntie & Aly Photoshoot! When the hubs and I were trying for a babe of our own I knew I wanted to do something special with Aly so we did a photoshoot and I made her a special keepsake scrapbook of the photos. 
I was really worried while I was pregnant that she would hate me for having my own little baby and want nothing to do with Baby Asher...boy were we wrong! "Hi Ahee" is only her following hello after "HI BABY ASHER!!!" when I come over for a visit! She loves her Baby Asher so much; always wanting to kiss, hug, hold and feed him. It's so adorable.
When Asher was small(er)

So if you had been wondering who the Aly is in Aly&Ash, it's my beautiful niece Alyson!
Here are a few more pics! Enjoy!

Black and Whites I did for my SIL last summer.

Turn your back for 5 seconds...I was taking some headshots of my SIL in the backyard and we came in to find this little monster playing with Mommy's mascara!

Now it's your turn to play! I'm tagging these bloggers to post there #6
Ashley from {Cute as a Fox}
Tenille from {AVery Good Life}

Have you entered yet?
Click {HERE}


  1. I did wonder! She's beautiful :)

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by Twee Poppets! I'm following you back. Can't wait for you to join in the first Tuesday Tag-Along blog hop! :)

  3. This is me commenting. :) Very cute pictures. I cannot believe how fast she is growing up. Before you know it, she will be using mascara appropriately. yikes. she does lover her aunt ahee and BeeBee Asher.
