
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crafty Crafty Ladies Night Link Party: Mod Podge

Crafty Crafty Ladies Night
-Link Party-
Theme: Mod Podge

I am so excited to be hosting my first link party! I love hosting C.C.L.N each month in my home and think it's so cool that I have this way to invite all my followers and hopefully some new friends to come join in the fun! 

This month we're working on Mod Podge projects! Link up your favorite projects using Mod Podge below! You are more than welcome to submit multiple projects if you have several to show off! The party will be open all weekend and I will be featuring my favorites on Monday!

Here are a few of my latest and greatest projects using Mod Podge:

(Find projects & tutorial links on my sidebar!)

Now onto the Party!
The rules are simple, link to your specific post. (Not your main page URL)
Add my button somewhere on your blog. I'm not picky about where!
Stay a while and check out other peoples projects! It's always nice to leave comments for people too!


  1. Can't wait to play with Mod Podge tonight! Thanks for hosting (both in person and online)!

  2. Thanks for your sweet comment on my little project. I linked it up on you site! I LOVE linky parties! Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Thanks for hosting the link party. I love Mod Podge. I linked up to your blog on my sidebar. Hope you have a great crafting party tonight.

    Sara @ The Handy Hausfrau

  4. I love that diaper box turned doll bed! I've got some big ole diaper boxes here that just might need some Mod Podge.

  5. Love these! I promoted on my regular FB profile too. . .

  6. Sorry that I missed this fun party. We use Mod Podge on oh-so many of our projects. Would have loved to share some of our ideas here. We'll check back for the next party!

  7. Shoot! I missed it! This weekend was so crazy!
