
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Arizona Bloggers Tour de Thrift - Event Pics!

Wow! What a fun day we had! I think I can safety say our event was a smashing success! Thanks again to all our amazing sponsors and my partner in crime Ashley from Cute as a Fox Creations for convincing me we needed to do this! I simply love all the ladies that came and had such a great time eating, shopping and getting to know you better! *To all the participants feel free to click and steal the pics for your own blog!

Meeting the women behind the blogs we love!
Steph {Somewhat Simple}, Kristyn {Lil' Luna}, Me & Ashley {Cute as a Fox}

Swag bags on every chair adorned with various fabric flower pins (view the tutorial for this one here)
Our custom event menu...yum!

Ashley made these adorable chalkboard name tags!

Door Prizes Galore! (We have the best sponsors!)

 Tenille {AVery Good Life} made a sweet play list so we'd have good tunes while we ate... but you couldn't hear it over all the chatting! I think that was a good sign!

 Now that's a plate of fruit!

Kelly {Everyday Childhood} getting sassy with her door prize packaging!

 Good friends supporting us from our very own South Mountain Ward in Phoenix
We had almost as many "blog followers" as "bloggers" and guess what...
You're the reason we keep writing so keep on reading, WE LOVE YOU GUYS!

More Blogging Buddies: Kendra {My Insanity}, Me, Ann Marie {Twice Lovely}, Ashley {Cute as a Fox}

Love this girl! Denise {Wildflower Grown Wild}

Now onto some thrifty shopping! Goodwill of Arizona not only provided reusable shopping bags but also armed each one of our girls with $5.00 gift cards!!

Sharla {My Little Gems}                                       Whitney {Sims Family}

It was a big table day!

Being a teacher, Edna {La Familia Cole} was so excited about her find!

Maka {Maka'z Home} & Kelli {Lolly Jane Boutique} finds were coveted by many and even jokingly stolen!

And I almost had to steal that flower when Kristyn {Lil Luna} wasn't looking!

Saw this at the end of our day and thought it quite fitting! 
Can't wait for next year! Thanks again for a great day everyone!


  1. What fun! I loved the chalkboard name tag idea!


  2. So you guys are both in the South Mountain Ward? I saw that we had mutual friends. I'm in the Laveen ward! Small world, right?!? What I really want to know is how come Rejli didn't get one of you to do crafts for girls camp? (I did them last year)

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time! I'm so jealous I couldn't come!

    Thanks for the link to my felt flowers! So happy they found their way to some awesome swag bags!

    Katie P
    Food, Wine, & Mod Podge

  4. Wow - So much FUN!! I'm so glad I got to meet you. Let me know when you'd want to do a blog swap! :D

  5. Wow - So much FUN!! I'm so glad I got to meet you. Let me know when you'd want to do a blog swap! :D

  6. so NOT funny tryin to steal my goods, lol!

    what a FUUUUN day! my sisters are way excited for the next one. THANK YOU for putting it together!!

    after our trip, i'm going to blog all about it, i'm so behind!!

