
Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Craft Room Adventures: Part One

Well hello! Yes it's true you may think I've fallen off the edge of the earth as far as crafting but don't worry! I'm still here!
Turns out the earth is round..who knew! ;) 
My crafty craftness has just been on hold while we do some moving and shaking over here at the Avery residence. I have currently been held up in the guest bedroom while I do my crafting which results in me hauling all my stuff into the dining room, living room, get the idea! Aka: driving the hubs nuts! So it was time for extreme makeover office/craft room addition. You see we have this great office downstairs that NEVER gets used and had honestly became the dumping grounds for my photography equipment and various other crap stuff. How we accumulate so much stuff I'll never know! So three days in we are no where near finished but I thought I'd give you a little tour of what we have done so far. 
You can see the hubs still has a lot of organizing to do on his side (right).  
Matching computer desks used to sit on either side of the window...never used!

I now need to clear off the left shelves and figure out some kind of organization process for my craft supplies and random photography props as well as a new home for the obnoxious board game boxes!
The clock (top left) was a AZ Blogger Tour De Thrift Goodwill find for $2.50! Probably not a permanent home...just a holding spot! The picture holder I found at Ross for $5.99 happiness.

Close up of small shelf. I wanted something decorative here since its the first thing you see when you walk by or into the room. Also knew it would stop it from becoming a place to stack mail/random papers!

Another Ross find was this dried flower arrangement for $3.99. I love the color and it smells great!
The Mason Jar was a Goodwill find a while ago for like a buck. As I continue to decorate/organize you'll discover my love/obsession with glass jars!

The Bird cage also at Ross for $5.99 will act as a perfect little love note holder! :)

Another AZ Blogger Tour De Thrift find was this glass canister for $2.00! Apples were at Ross for $5.99 they however don't smell so great! Thank you glass jar with lid!

Well that's it for now! Please comment with organization tips and fun decorating ideas! I may be crafty but decorating is not my forte! Links to your craft room happiness are encouraged too so I can steal some ideas and get inspired!! Thanks everyone! 



  1. Looks great ... and doesn't it feel wonderful? Just did this myself a few weeks ago. I still don't have a table in my craft room to actually work on because of all the exercise equipment. But everything is organized so that I can find it quickly.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awesome that youre working on a crafting space! My craft room is still a work in progress... :)

    I need ideas too! LOL

    But dont you just LOVE Ross! :) They always have such great finds for so cheap.

    Everything is looking great so far! Looking forward to the update! :)

  4. My tips for you are: photo boxes for storage, not just for photo storage, and baskets. the good thing about photo boxes and baskets is there are tons of different kinds. so if you like the ecclectic sort of style, it will be nice. and if you don't like how it looks, maybe make a drape/curtain to hang over the shelves so you have a more stream-lined look. Those of course come in different colors and styles as well! Have Fun!

  5. Nice! I did the same thing just a week ago, posted about it on my blog today. Check out Walmart (if there's one near you) they have great organizers and caddies and canvas baskets. I love the little finds! They always look good and feel good bc you got a deal.

  6. love your craft place! and your blog! so i gave it an award here
