
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Winners!!! (Finally!) & An Update!

Hello all my fabulous readers! I'm so sorry for the delay on announcing the winners of the Pleated Poppy and Ruby Lou giveaway but after 4 days of camping and being "unplugged" I was somewhat enjoying my departure from the internet. Now with over 50 messages in my inbox, 891 new posts in my google reader and way to many notifications and new posts on facebook to catch up on I might be regretting it just a little! 

Anyway I hope you are all enjoying your summer! I have just 5 days left on my month long vacay back home here in Canada and have loved every minute of the trip! I am however missing the hubs desperately and looking forward to my own bed! Asher has made several developments over this month too which have kept me super busy! Crawling...but only backwards, balancing on hands and feet with bum in air...downward dog anyone! It honestly scares the crap out of me especially since he insists on worming his way off the blanket to the hardwood before attempting his daily yoga. Grr. Oh and did I mention he pulls himself into sitting position wherever he is? Yup but hasn't mastered getting out of sitting position without cracking his head on the floor. Good grief, at least he has a hard head! He has also adapted a new sleep schedule which involves him waking up an entire hour earlier. Lovely. We used to be able to give him a bottle and he'd fall back asleep...nope now he just drinks the bottle calmly and when it's done wants to party. Most mornings I put on his show, lay on the couch and pretty much die, but today I had an ounce of energy and thought....I better announce those winners! So let's get to it! 

Sew Much Ado - Ruby Lou Doll Pattern WINNER!!!

Kate said...
These dolls are SO cute! I hope you're having fun in BC Jax!
The Pleated Poppy Gift Card WINNER!!!

Thanks to everyone that entered! Winners email me and I'll get you your goods!


  1. So glad to see a new post from you in my reader...but I'll be even happier when you're back in AZ!

  2. Woohooo!!!! I'm so excited:) thanks Jax!!!
    PS. Welcome back!!
