
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The 365 Project - Photo a Day

Don't worry I am not planning on inundating Aly&Ash with a photo a day; however, if you'd like to follow my project I have an album up on Jacquilyn Avery Photography/Facebook &  on  The 365 Project Website for those also doing the project! 

5/365 - We moved the very last thing from the house on Sunland Avenue today. It was our first house, where we brought home our first son & where the last 4 years of memories have been made! It will be missed!

Leave a comment with a link if you're participating as well! I'd love to see your pictures and follow your project! Happy shooting!


  1. I am participating as well. With the kids changing so much each day, I thought it would be nice to try and capture it.

    It is on my blog:


  2. I'm doing the Becky Higgins Project Life album this year. It's my first time doing the picture a day thing. I love to scrapbook, but have little time and hope this will keep me focused on it! I'm off to check out your links now...
