
Monday, February 28, 2011

The Final Count Down!

Oh my heck people! In two weeks I will have two children! Induction has been schedule for Monday, March 14th! CRAZY!!! Then I will officially have a newborn and a 17 month old! I'm headed strait to the loony bin I just know it! ;-)

Anyone else have kids that close in age? If so I'm open to all tips, advice, suggestions and words of encouragement!! I feel extremely lucky for how chill Asher is and his love for TV...I'm thinking that is really going to work in my favor the next few months when I'm ragged and sleep deprived! 

I feel so behind with this baby, I have NOTHING ready! I think knowing it was a boy has made me slack on all the getting ready duties because I have pretty much everything. But I still need to set up his room, wash all Asher's old clothes and get them put away. But I did order the crib and dresser/changer today! About time eh! I got this convertible crib and dresser/changer. Picture colors are a bit off but they are both Black.
And in case you forgot the awesmness that is my custom Nursery fabric etc. Here is the story board again:
My incredible cousin Staci from Just Sew Sassy is hard at work getting everything done for the room and has already sent me the minky blanket which I am madly in love with! Wahoo! I can't wait to get everything set up! 

I found this fantastic vinyl wall decal I'm just waiting on a custom listing for and that will be purchased too!
Awesome right!!! 

I also came across this adorable Stuffed Animal tutorial on Make It and Love it today:
and I'm excited to use the fabric scraps from the room to make a few!

So anyway...LOTS to do in the next two weeks! Wish me luck! I hope to have pictures of the completed room soon! But probably not before pictures of the new baby boy! Eek! I can't believe he'll be here in two weeks...TWO WEEKS! Ok...gotta get to work!


  1. I have 2 boys 16 months apart so I know exactly what you're in for! Luckily I have awesome kids that aren't too hard. Never had to deal with Colic or anything medically concerning so I hope you're in the same boat! My advice to you is this...Your focus and a good portion of your attention should still be for Asher. The new little one is going to be sleeping the majority of the time, so it's take care of baby then the oldest child the rest of the time. Teach Asher to sit next to you with a book during Nursing or bottle feeding time so he knows he is still important to you. Get him to help with the baby as much as he can so he can get excited about the baby too! Good luck!

  2. Yaay congrats on being down to the final countdown!! Can't wait to meet you in person at our photoshoot in April!!

  3. Two weeks!!! I can't believe it. Love that decal with all of the other nursery stuff- he's going to be one stylin' guy.

  4. I have 4 children who's ages are 7, 6, 4 1/2, 2. The first 2 are 14 months apart, then #2 & #3 are 18 months apart, & #3 & #4 are 2 1/2 years apart. I did it all with a full time job. Now that was crazy! But we survived & you will too. Congratulations you will do great.


  5. I have 3 children ages 5, 4, and 2. My first two are 17 months. The advice I have is their nap time is your "me time." No matter how much laundry there is or dishes to be done take the time to read a book or get a nap in. It will bet crazy but have fun. Congratulations and good luck.


  6. I am expecting my 6th child this summer. Mine are all spaced between 2 1/2 to 4 years apart except for the last two. They are 19 months apart and What a big adjustment for me. They are the best friends and the worst enemies. Really...sometimes they just love each other and play well, and other times...well, not so much. LOl. Never had that problem as much with the ones spaced further apart. advice to you if yours don't end up loving each other to death? Just remember this: This too shall pass...make the best of every situation, keep your cool, and if all else fails...lock yourself in the bathroom to keep from doing or saying something you will regret. Seriously. ;) Good luck to you!

  7. Hi just wondering where you got the crib from? Love it!
