Sunday, February 28, 2010

Asher Vancouver 2010

There is no question who my boy is cheering for this Olympics!Asher Four Mon...

DoChara Photography Blog Update

Valentine's Day Mini Sessions

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mod Podge Tin

So my 2nd new addiction is Mod Podge! How can you not LOVE this stuff! It is just way too easy! I was debating what to put Aly's birthday bow collection in and played around with a few different ideas when I remembered...I have that super cute star tin! I received a Christmas gift in this tin a few years back and knew I could find something cool to do with it! That's when the Mod Podge comes in! I went to the scrapbook paper stack and started ripping! I wanted a very random design with bright colors! Personally I think it turned out great! Aly even hugged the tin so I'd call that a success! Here's a mini tutorial:Step One: Find a cool tin, grab some scrapbook paper.Step Two: Rip up your scrapbook paper and grab your Mod Podge.(Since the...

Bows Bows and More Bows!

My friend taught me how to make these adorable hair bows and I've been addicted ever since! Tanya over at Trey & Lucy says it best:"These are so much fun to make and very addicting. warning to husbands: if you see your wife reading this post immediately unplug her computer. she will stay up to midnight making these and will neglect the laundry, the house, the children, and maybe even you!"I made a bunch for my adorable little niece Aly who turned three today (see next post!) and am working on a collection for my bestie's daughter Krysten! So fun! Love ...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Super Easy Headband Tutorial

Seriously super easy! I whipped this puppy up in about 5 minutes before church this morning!Here's what you need and how I made it:1 Headband of your choice(Mine was from a 3 pack at Target)1 Scrapbooking Flower of your choice(Mine was from a 3 pack at Michaels)Glue GunNeedle and ThreadRibbon(notice my bow making addiciton in the background)Step One:Take advantage of the scrapbook sticky to place flower on headband.Try it on real quick in front of a mirror to make sure the flower is were you want it.Step Two:Hand sew your flower to the headband with a couple quick sweeps through the backing and then create a figure 8 pattern by wrapping the thread around the headband. Secure with a few knots.Step Three:Finishing Touch:...

DoChara Photography Blog Post

The Cooper Family {Maternity}

This Week's Coupons!

Joann Coupon(40% off Valid through March 6th)Hobby Lobby Coupon(25% off Valid through Feb. 27th)Michaels Coupon(New Member Coupon Valid through March 6th.) Not sure if it will work but you can try it, I got it for siging up an email address. Which you can do also! I have a couple email addresses signed up. You can use this coupon at the same time as another Michael's coupon but on a seperate item.Remember all these stores accept competitor coupons!! Happy Shopping!See you on the 6...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

March Crafty Crafty Update: PLEASE READ

Ok Ladies, I purchased everything for March's Craft Night except the frames and glass. There were so many frame choices and price differences I couldn't make that decision for everyone! Also I know a few of you wanted to purchase you're own for style reasons etc.So everyone will need to bring with them:1 8x10 Picture1 8x10 Document (If not using Proclamation)18x24 Frame18x24 Addional Piece of Glass (I have everything else including several ribbon choices if you prefer something other than black)Michaels and Hobby Lobby have frames 50% off right now. Personally I think Hobby Lobby has a better selection and they are 10-15 dollars cheaper!(Both Sales End Today!)You can also use coupons on regular price items. Here are links to printable coupons. (Coupons End Today! But you...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

DoChara Photography: New Blog Post

The Wheat Kids [Portraits]

February Visiting Teaching

The Visiting Teaching Message for February is "Managing Resources Wisely and Staying Out of Debt". It was my month to do the handout and this is what I made! They are so super quick and easy I made all four in no time! I found the tutorial here at See Me VT. Instead of sticking the paper coins to chocolate coins I snuck them inside this little treat bag filled with hot hearts and jelly beans I already had in the house from Valentines Day! (My mom sent a TON of candy! -Thanks Mo...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Monday, February 15, 2010

March Crafty Crafty Ladies Night

Ok Ladies, if you are interested in March's Crafty I need to know asap! There is a lot more for me to get ready for this one including some personalized vinal lettering and custom cut glass. Please click on the tutorial below to see the craft we will be doing. All you need to bring is an 8x10 picture, I will provide everything else. (If you would like something other than the Proclamation to the Family please bring that too...Poem, Family Motto, Another Picture?) I will post the cost for this craft as soon as possible but please leave a comment if your interested so I can get an idea. I'll get specifics from you later! Floating Frame: Crafty Ladies Night is the 1st Saturday on each month starting at 5pm. (March 6th)...

Crafty Crafty Recap!

We had a great first craft crafty ladies night and here are some picutres to prove it! Staple guns ready!Making picture frame jewelry hangers. (Will post pic with it on the wall soon!)Romantic Rubiks CubesEveryone's turned out soo cute...dont you just want to say, "Awww!"If you don't look at mine too closely it looks pretty good! ;) Stuart is excited to put it on his desk at work tomorrow!Do YOU want to make these crafts?  Check out these great blogs for the tutorials:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Will you be my Valentine?

First off I love my niece and nephews...secondly...I love making digtal cards. Put the 2 together and this is what you get! They totally gave out the cutest valentines this year! Be jealous other mother's...not everyone has a super cool Aunt Jacqui!...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

So today requires two pics! Here's anoth...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I realize it's Thursday but I was kinda busy yesterday...y'know putting a new website up! Enj...

Crafty Crafty

Alright ladies, I am finally organized for craft night. Yes I realise it's short notice but the first Crafty Crafty Ladies Night will be Saturday Feb. 6th, 2009. (Yes THIS Saturday!) How it works: I choose the craft, buy most of the materials, provide a yummy treat. You come with $$ to reimburse me for the materials you will be using and any materials you are required to bring!Crafts we will be making:Romantic Rubik's CubeYou Bring: 6 Pictures you'd like on your cubeCost: TBAJewelry HolderYou Bring: Picture Frame (Whatever size you want!)Cost: TBARSVP by Friday 5pm so I know how much supplies to g...

DoChara Photography

BRIGHT, SHINY & NEW! Check out my new website/blog

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Valentine's Post Marks

Check out this super cute idea posted by Love ActuallyNow who to send love notes to...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekly Menu

02/01/10 - 02/07/10Monday - BBQ Pork, Scalloped Potatoes & Caesar SaladTuesday - Homemade Broccoli & Cauliflower Cheese Soup w/ RollsWednesday - Italian Chicken & RiceThursday - Spagetti w/ Meat Sauce, Garlic Toast & Green SaladFriday - Eat out or LeftoversSaturday - Cajun Chicken PastaSunday - ...

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