Saturday, June 5, 2010

See It Again Saturday: Custom Tile/Vinyl Checker Board

 Incase you missed the field trip to A Little Tipsy here it is again!

Father's Day
Custom Checkers Board 
 I wanted to come up with a personalized gift for my Dad for Father's Day this year. Promptly upon my moving out they remodeled the basement into a Bar for get togethers and parties. They call it Bowd's Bar (Last name Bowden) and they love it! I had been thinking about using tile and vinyl to make a checkers board for a while and though, "This is the perfect opportunity!"

What you need:
16x16 Piece of Tile
15x15 Vinyl Checkerboard Pattern
24 Wooden Circles
Scrapbook Paper
Mod Podge & Foam Brush
Circle Punch
Felt & Hot Glue

Step One:
Adhere your vinyl to the tile. Luckily tile is a forgiving surface so when I laid it crooked the first time I was able to carefully peel it back up and try again! Whew! I get my vinyl from Marni at{Choose the Writing}!

Step Two:
Measure, cut and hot glue felt to the bottom of the tile. Do a little bit at a time since the glue drys fast.

Step Three:
I printed words onto scrapbook paper to customize, but plain scrapbook paper would work great too!
Step Four:

Grab your circle punch and start punching!

Step Five:
Mod Podge your circles of scrapbook paper to the wooden circles one side at a time. When I finished all 24 circles the first one was dry and ready for me to start again on the other side.

Step Six:
When I was done the 2nd side the 1st side was dry and I could apply more Mod Podge to the top to seal...and so on.

Step Seven:
Allow to dry completely! I used a crown graphic from {The Graphics Fairy} on one side for the "King Me!"

Now you're ready to Play!
Too see this weeks other Father's Day DIY Gifts Click {HERE}
Related Posts with Thumbnails

21 said... 1

Aww, this is such a great idea! I love it! Thanks so much for the great project and directions, I'll be linking.

Nikki@KreativeKnack said... 2

Awwww, this is cool! Whatta lucky dad!

Anonymous said... 3

Love the King Me side!

The Redhead Riter said... 4

I TOTALLY love this idea!!!!

Jax @ AlyandAsh said... 5

Thanks Ladies!! The only not so good thing about this gift...It cost me $37.00 to ship today! INSANE! Good thing it was practically free to make!

Karen The Graphics Fairy said... 6

This is such a cute idea!! I'm sure your Dad will love it! Thanks so much for linking this up to Brag Monday.

Cindy Adkins said... 7

Wow--this is amazing!!! What a gorgeous gift--BRAVO!
Cindy Adkins

malia said... 8

wow what a great idea-- love how it turned out. visiting from met monday

jayayceeblog said... 9

You are a much better daughter than I am ... bought my dad a shirt! That is a fantastic idea and he's going to love it!!!

PetraB said... 10

A brilliant idea! It looks great.

Bird said... 11

Very cool!! Great Fathers Day gift?! :)


Mad in Crafts said... 12

Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party!

Jess said... 13

Thank you for saving me this year - I can never think of anything to do for father's Day and I am totally going to do this!

Michelle L. said... 14

This is such a great idea! Those vinyl squares are so tacky - but you made something super classy out of them.

Jax @ AlyandAsh said... 15

I had the vinyl custom cut for the tile.

Unknown said... 16

I love it! Excellent idea!
Thanks for sharing @ Anything Related!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said... 17

I loved this idea so much, I featured it today! Thanks for the inspiration!

Have a fabulous day!

Stitchnmom said... 18

This is great, I foresee using this as a Christmas gift for one of the guys on my list!!!

Kati Beth Wilson said... 19

I know this post was over 2 years ago, but the link for the vinyl is no longer working. Do you know what the new site would be? I love this idea, and want to make it as a gift for Christmas. Thank you!

Missy Ann said... 20

I love this idea, but I can't find the vinyl anywhere. Do you know where I can get it?

Anonymous said... 21

Marni's new site is Her email is I just ordered the vinyl from her today!

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