Friday, July 30, 2010

Field Trip Friday with The French Curve! {Tank Dress Tutorial}

The Tank Dress Tutorial! Why would you buy a pre-made tank dress from Walmart or Forever21 which will be see through, very low cut and probably too short when you can easily custom make your own? Hi I'm Amber from The French Curve and I was so excited when Jacquilyn asked me to do a blog swap with her, I couldn't resist. What you'll need: -A tank top that fits you, whether it be old or new, doesn't matter! -1 yard of coordinating fabric, I prefer a good quality cotton by Moda -coordinating thread - sewing machine Shall we get started?-Put your tank top on and find where it hits the narrowest of your waistline mark that spot. -Cut your tank top 1inch longer for seam allowance. -measure your waistline and choose your length -Cut your fabric...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

DoChara Photography Update: Autrey Landan {Newborn}

If you haven't been over to DoChara Photography to see my super sweet pictures of baby Autrey you need to head over there NOW! So squishy and precious, how can you resist! ...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sew Much Ado - Ruby Lou Doll Pattern GIVEAWAY!!!

Hey everyone, I'm Abby from Sew Much Ado and am so happy to be taking over Jax's blog today!  Even more, I am super excited to be giving away a Ruby Lou Doll PDF pattern to one of you!  I love sharing sewing tutorials and sewing tips at Sew Much Ado, and even get adventurous enough to put my sewing machine away and craft once in a while. The Ruby Lou Doll is fun for little girls of all ages (okay, and some big girls of all ages too), and is a great sewing project for the beginner to intermediate sewer.  I've had lots of fun making WAY too many dolls myself... too bad I have two sons and no daughters :).  The pattern includes full color photographs...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Field Trip Friday with A Little Lovely!

hello aly & ash readers!! i'm so exited to be here today. i am the crafter behind a little lovely, a blog all about interior design, crafting, diy projects, yummy recipes, etc. just wanted to show you a couple things you'll find over at a little lovely, hope you'll come by for a while :) reupholstered chair glass tile tutorial painting crisp lines tutorial topiary tutorial little boy bow ties ampersand throw pillow flower wreath flower arrangements jersey knit flower tutori...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'll Be Blogging Next to the Moose Eh!

So the day has come bloggy friends! Ash and I are all packed up and are headed to my home of Canada for the summer! We'll be gone for a whole month...but don't fret! I'll still be blogging up some crafty goodness for ya! And of course I'll share pictures of our trip along the way!  Some things to look forward to are:  Awesome Field Trip Fridays with A Little Lovely, Scraps N' Strings and The French Curve A fantastic giveaway from The Pleated Poppy Super cute Wordless Wednesdays...featuring Ash of course! Some great new tutorials and my mom teaching me how to sew & crochet...that might be comical! And a detailed "how to" guide to having a Best Friends Getaway in your very own Home Town! - There is a warning may experience severe jealousy & envy as you see the...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Yum Yum!

If you missed my post yesterday be sure to scroll down or click here! It will explain everything!! Thanks again Kristan!...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Different Kind of Swap w/ Kristan from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen!

It all started with a tweet! Kristan from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen {@bakescupcakes} tweeted one night that she wanted Pie. I replied, "I want pie too, maybe you should make me one!" Y'know Kristan being the super amazing baker and all! Her reply...Let's do a swap! - So the rules of our swap were this:We'd ship each something. She'd send baking and I'd send something crafty! It had to be a surprise and we'd blog about it when we got it! Fun right! So Friday evening just when I thought I'd have to wait till Saturday for my parcel it arrived! I was so excited I couldn't wait to rip into it! How fricken cute! Look at these individually wrapped little beauties I was so excited! Not only did she make the most adorable little cupcake...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Guest Post from Keeping It Simple!

Hello everyone! I am super excited to be here with you today!! Jax is such a fun, crafty and talented gal!Let me introduce myself, I'm Kaysi from Keeping It Simple. Here are a few things about me:I am the mother of three boys, ages 5, 3 and 1I have been married to an amazing man for 6 yearsI love chocolate!!I love color, green is my favorite but brown and blue are up thereI like to keep things simple, not overdo themWhen I get a spare moment, I love to craft or look at craftsEach day of the week, I have something different.Motivate me Monday, that's where I have link party and you get to show me all the cute things that you have done.Tutorial Tuesday, I give a tutorial of a craft that I have doneWhatever Wednesday, this is my day that I...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ok Ladies...I Need You're Help!

Ash and I are headed to my parents in Canada for an entire month leaving the hubs to fend for himself!  The main problem... HE CAN'T COOK...ANYTHING So I need some help with meals I can cook ahead of time, portion out and freeze. If he can pull it out of the freezer, defrost and warm it in the microwave there is a chance I wont come home to this... I have Chili and Beef Stew on the list...and that's where it ends!  So if you know a great freeze now-heat later meal PRETTY PLEASE leave a comment & help me out...I leave Thursday! Thank Y...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

You've Gotta See This Saturday

Ok so I know Ash is too young for both of these ideas, but you better believe I'm filing them away in my MUST DO list for when he's a bit older! I can't tell you how excited I am for these so I just had to share with all of you!  Camille from Mother★Lode shows us how they are keeping cool and entertained during the hot summer days!  Check out her post: This is how we roll... For details, more fantastic pictures and the most adorable little heart warming video you've ever seen!Warning it will remind you of your carefree childhood days and you might tear up a little...or maybe that was just me! ...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Field Trip Friday with Get Craftin!

Hello everyone, I'm the chick behind Get Craftin! I'm extremely excited to be guest posting here today! My name is Ana Paula, but you can call me whatever creative nickname you come up with.  Trust me there's a lot, but  i won't humiliate myself today.  I'm a newlywed of 10 months now.I don't know how long you still call yourselves newlyweds?  But we still feel like newlyweds.Some of my interests includes photography...I want to some day be a pro, but for now i just do it for fun without a great camera.  Interior Decorating is another passion. Although i live in a very square feet limited space, i love to decorate a home to make it feel homy. My style is complicated, it's a modern with vintage, eclectic...

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