Friday, August 20, 2010

Field Trip Friday with Scraps N' Strings!

Hello to Aly & Ash readers! This is Ruth and Sammy from Scraps N' Strings and we are so excited to be doing our blog swap with Jax! We figure we had better introduce ourselves a bit before we start.I'm Ruth and I am a stay at home mommy of 2 (3 and 1) and a part-time photographer, you can see my work here. I enjoy making "stuff" and taking pictures of them! I especially love to sew and like to break out the Modge Podge. I love anything that is quick and simple! After I got married, I started crafting with my sister-in-law Sammy as a way to make our homes cute without spending a lot of money.My name is Sammy and I have 2 darling little boys, 2 1/2 and 1 year. I'm a stay at home mom and I like to spend my zero amount of free time trying...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Winners!!! (Finally!) & An Update!

Hello all my fabulous readers! I'm so sorry for the delay on announcing the winners of the Pleated Poppy and Ruby Lou giveaway but after 4 days of camping and being "unplugged" I was somewhat enjoying my departure from the internet. Now with over 50 messages in my inbox, 891 new posts in my google reader and way to many notifications and new posts on facebook to catch up on I might be regretting it just a little!  Anyway I hope you are all enjoying your summer! I have just 5 days left on my month long vacay back home here in Canada and have loved every minute of the trip! I am however missing the hubs desperately and looking forward to my own bed! Asher has made several developments over this month too which have kept me super busy! Crawling...but...

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