Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Great Baby Name Debate!

Alright you creative geniuses! I am hoping you can help me! The hubs and I can not come up with (agree on) a name for baby boy#2. I honestly feel like we just named Asher, how are we supposed to come up with another one so soon!  I'm due St. Patrick's day (March 17th) so I have some time but considering we don't even have a possibilities list, stress is starting to creep in! I have been making my eyes bleed looking at baby name lists that contain 10% cute and 90% crap and can't take it anymore!  So if you don't mind sharing please leave a comment with name suggestions! Names you like, names you've heard, names of your kids if you don't mind me possibly copying. I need all the help I can get!  And just because I can't put up a...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Silly Boy & Something Fun for AZ Locals!

Last night we met up with some friends at Glendale Glitters to watch my old dance school, The Celtic Dance Academy preform! After the show we walked around a bit, admired the Christmas lights and took some fun pictures. Asher was in such a funny mood and we got some great family "action" shots!  I just love my silly boy! -Now for the Arizona locals!  If you're looking for a fun thing to do this holiday season you've got to come see: After a few years dancing in the show and then two years as assistant director this will be my first year as an audience member and I am so excited for the experience! I truly love this show and really encourage you to go! It's such a sweet take on the traditional ballet with the kick of Irish step dancing! I'd...

Saturday, November 27, 2010


So I don't consider myself a designer but I have fun making cards in Photoshop. Maybe one day I'll get good enough to sell a line, but for now I'll just give them away for free! If you'd like to use any of these cards this year just email me at alyashcreations@gmail.com and I'll customize it for you with your picture, names etc. and send the high res copy back! A great way to kickoff the holiday season! Merry Christmas! Vintage                                                                   Stamp 2 Antique  Postcard  Grandma's Attic Stamp 1 Cards are for...

Friday, November 26, 2010


BLACK FRIDAY FREEBIE:A TWIST ON SUBWAY ART FOR CHRISTMAS {click each image to view full size then save to your computer} I have really liked the Subway Art I've been seeing everywhere but it just doesn't quite match my decorating style so I thought I'd make some myself with a little twist. I designed them to hang in three black frames side by side in this order on my wall. I won't  be putting them up till we are in the new house though! Anyway I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and aren't running too wild shopping today! If any of you use these print outs I would LOVE to see so please email me pictures at alyashcreations@gmail....

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Mother's Thanksgiving Plea for Advice: Please Help Me!

Alright ladies, I need help. I am one night away from completely loosing it. Asher WILL NOT SLEEP. I need advice on bedtime routine, what to do when he wakes up, should we ditch bottles all together etc. Asher is almost 14 months old mostly walking, but not talking at all yet. He is a good napper and usually naps once a day but sneaks in a little afternoon cat nap in the car if needed. But here are the problems I'm facing: Problem #1: We give him water in this bottle during the day he's addicted to it. He whines for it ALL DAY LONG. Which living in Arizona I haven't really cared because he needs to drink water and let's face it, it keeps him quiet and happy in stores and at friends homes etc. He will drink from a sippy cup but it comes out so much faster that he fills his mouth then spits...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's Bitter Sweet: The Great Wall Finished

THE SWEETNESS: For those of you that have been reading you know I've had to relocate my craft room a couple times this last year. I was really excited with the last decision to move it back upstairs and just have everything organized in shelves in the guest room. Since I'd always end up pulling supplies out to the dining room table I figure this was the best plan. A Craiglist shelves super find, some Joanne storage boxes and a few hours of organization later I was in heaven! Total project including shelves cost only $200.00! And it's so pretty!! Everything is organized perfectly and makes quick projects so fast! - One of my favorite features is the card station! The middle pull down shelf makes a great table top for writing cards and...

Monday, November 22, 2010


I feel like i haven't made anything craft wise in FOREVER! After summer travels, morning sickness and now the fact that we are moving I really have zero time. I even had grand ideas of making all my Christmas cards by hand this year...yeah...doubt that will be happening! But I did find some inspiration today for other projects. Wrapped in a heated blanket drinking some spiced cider this morning I opened my google reader and started browsing. Here are a few tutorials I think are simply amazing and I really hope I can find time to make these! #1. One Time Use Soap Leaves by Greenbean's CrafteroleThese are so adorable and what a great gift idea! I have so many of these leaves lying around I could make them today! Ohh and I can't wait to...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tiny Prints Inspired Custom Birth Announcment

My beautiful bestie Claire welcomed the birth of her 2nd child; handsome little Eli, back in September. On a phone call last night she was complaining about the lack of good birth announcement options she'd found in her small Canadian town and I kind of chuckled and said, "Uh Claire...I can make you one!" (Sometimes my friends forget I have mad skills!)Anyway I sent her some American websites to check out for inspiration since I knew she'd already have something in mind and she very quickly replied with an example she loved from Tiny Prints. So I immediately got to work and here is the final product!   Isn't he adorabl...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby Boy #2 Nursery {Part 2}

It's starting to come together! I can't express how excited I am about this room! ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's Slowly Sinking In...

So I'm having a little cry tonight. It's slowly sinking in that one of my best friends is moving away. Like really moving away, to the other side of the country away, and soon.I'm thrilled for her husband's career accomplishments but I don't want her to go. I want her to stay here so we can keep crafting, shopping, sewing, blogging, eating, shooting (camera not gun), raising our kids, hanging out and having fun together. Is that so much to ask? I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to do without her....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baby Boy #2 Nursery {Part 1}

So I finally made some decisions on Baby Boy #2's nursery decor! I am so excited now I can hardly wait to get the room done! Here is a little sneak peek! My amazing cousin Staci from Just Sew Sassy has been officially contracted to sew me all custom duds for this baby! Yeah she's awesome like that!  Here is the main fabric & inspiration: Michael Miller Gray Bicycles In addition to solids here are some coordinating Michael Miller fabrics I like.  (The exact ones we'll use are still undecided)  And look at the little number I snagged of Craigslist today! This vintage wonder will serve as room decor when I'm not stealing it for photo shoots!  Here is the crib currently in the lead.  (We'll be getting the matching...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jared Fowler: Amazing Artist / Free Download

     Jared Fowler’s adventure into music started at the age of 11, when sitting silently at his grandmother’s funeral. As part of the wake, everyone present listened to the music that his grandmother Georgina Palfrey, had written during World War 2, almost 30 years in the past. The revelation came to Jared that music is the transporter of emotion into sound.      For the next 19 years Jared begin creating music. He received lessons first on banjo for 3 years, which got his fingers moving and ears listening. Then in high school discovering that girls liked smooth guitar more than the twanging banjo, he switched to guitar and only looked back, a few times.      Since inception, Jared’s...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wendy's Winner!

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloweekend! I'll be posting pictures from our family's festivities soon but in the mean time here is the winner of the Wendy's Pick Two gift card! Ginny said... I'd pick the Apple pecan salad and the baked potato October 24, 2010 10:46 AM Congratulations Ginny! Email me at alyashcreations@gmail.com with your address and I'll ship that out right away! ...

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