Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tutorial Tuesday: Interchangeable Fabric Headband Tutorial


Grab your hammers ladies! I originally bought these snaps for use on vinyl bibs but then had a light bulb moment when wanting to make another fabric headband and not having a sewing machine to use. Why not use a snap...then it could even be interchangeable!!!
Here is what I did:

Step One: Order some headband elastic from this awesome Etsy shop:
Deepwater Trading Co.

Step Two: Make some pretty fabric flowers etc to use on your headband.

Step Three: Measure your elastic to your head size. You want it to fig snug however, if making a flapper style headband watch to make sure it doesn't indent your forehead! Not a cute look if you end up taking it off or in my case when Asher rips it off my head and claims it his new teething toy...bad baby!

Step Four: Cut a felt circle to fit the back of your flower and follow snap instructions to attach the top snap side.
(This is where your hammer comes in!)

Step Five: Use hot glue to attach felt circle/snap to the underside of your flower.

Step Six: Follow snap instructions to attach the under side of the snap to your elastic.
(I folded the top side over once to add some weight for the snap.)

Voila! Snap your elastic to your flower and you're in business! Now you can make various flowers and use various colored elastic to mix it up. You can also try gluing the snap to a metal hair clip!
 Cool right!?! I'm super excited about this, and can't wait to snap out all my flowers!

Linking up with These Great Blogs including The Boardwalk Bragfest!
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35 want.love.need.comments:

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said... 1

Very cute! I accessories that can multi-function. Great idea!

Cookbook Queen said... 2

So cute!!what an awesome idea.
And where's the Bachelorette Backtalk? I'm dying!!

Samantha said... 3

Great way to multipurpose your projects.

Anne Maskell said... 4

This is a great idea! Thanks for the tutorial! I'm visiting with tot tuesday, hope you visit me too.

mle said... 5

Oh! do I love this idea!! you're going to save me oodles : ) fabulous!!

Michelle L. said... 6

A snap headband - what a fab idea!! Saw you on DIY showoff. What cute stuff you make!

Unknown said... 7

Love it!! I bought some jacket snaps to fix Joshua's jacket with and I haven't used them yet. Sorry buddy, Mommy needs some new accessories. LOL!

Love the flower too!

Staci J said... 8

What a great idea Jax!! Love it!!

Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs said... 9

wow great idea!! So clever! :) Love it!

Kara said... 10

Wow...this is awesome!! I love it, I'll definitely have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

Donene said... 11

This is so cute and what a great idea!

Unknown said... 12

What a super smart idea! Love it!
Thanks for sharing @ Anything Related!

jayayceeblog said... 13

So cute. I wish I'd had all these great ideas for headbands when my daughters were babies so many years ago!

Breanne said... 14

super cute! i have been looking for some cute headbands elastic for baby headbands.
where is your bachelorette post missy? I loved her dress she wore to the rose ceremony and it was about time Ty got the boot. He so was not a match for Ali.

Jax @ AlyandAsh said... 15

Ummm DVR...hadn't watched it yet...thanks Breanne! Hahahahahaha!
P.S. My SIL told me today you can get elastic at SAS. We should go!

The Inked Stamper said... 16

Ooooo! I never would have thought of that! You are a clever girl! TFS!

Tricia Lee Riggio said... 17

Thanks for the headband info. I received some infant head bands made from the same elastic as a gift. I looooove this elastic. Nice change from the white strectchy lace I usually buy to make my infant bands. Thanks for the link and the tute. I am for sure usung this one. I would really love to feature this on my blog if that is okay with you! I do new features on the weekends. Thanks!

AUDRA said... 18

Great idea!

I love for you to stop by and link up to Socialize with me Monday til Sunday. Going on now! :)


michelle@somedaycrafts said... 19

I've seen these for babies, but never for adults! Why not? It is perfect! I will feature this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com. tomorrow!

Suzanne said... 20

Really cute idea with the snap!

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said... 21

Adorable! I love it! Avery has a bunch of interchangeable head bands, so I should too!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said... 22

I saw this on sugar bee. LOVE it. I too had seen it for babies, but never for adults.

I would love it if you stopped by Just Another Day in Paradise and shared this great gift idea on my Christmas in July linky party.

LOVE it.


Ash Att said... 23

I love these!! I also use velcro, and that works like a charm as well :)

Ann @ makethebestofthings said... 24

Excellent idea, so clever! This one is on my list, for sure.

memakingdo said... 25

So cute I featured this feel free to check it out and grab my button if you want!

Sheri@childmade.com said... 26

Great idea! Then you only have to store the extra flowers and not a bunch of bands. Thanks for sharing! I've posted a link.

memakingdo said... 27

Thanks for the heads up I think I fixed my button if you want to try again!

AUDRA said... 28

LOVE IT STILL! Thanks for stopping by and socializing with me Monday til Sunday!

I hope to see more of your ideas!

I'm featuring this tomorrow! :)

Thanks again!

Rachel@oneprettything.com said... 29

That is such a great idea, I love this. Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

Rebecca Marie said... 30

blogged about you ;)post will show up tomorrow morning :D

Unknown said... 31

How did you make the super cute flower?

Love this & Linked to it!


ashley @ little miss momma said... 32

Love LOVE LOVE LOVE this headband--so crafty!
Would love for you to link up to my Headband Link party over at Little Miss Momma! Here's the link:

Mack Jones said... 33

You got a really useful blog I have been here reading for about half an hour. I am a newbie and your post is valuable for me.
baby garlands

Unknown said... 34

DIY Flower Headbands are really awesome and full of fun!

Unknown said... 35

Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features.

Buy headbands

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